What Is A Conversion On A Website?2 min read

If your website is acting as a representation of your business or organization, you should have a good understanding of conversion and the impact it has on your digital presence.

Even if the goal of your website goal is not to sell a specific product or service,  conversion will play a role.

What Is A Conversion On A Website?

What is Conversion?

The basic definition of conversion is the goal of encouraging your visitor to take some type of specific action.

The action can be sales-driven like the commitment to make a purchase, or action-driven like joining your network, signing up for a newsletter or downloading a specific file.

For the majority of websites, conversions are their top priority. Whether or not they know it, an understanding of conversions could be the difference between success and failure.

At SEO Leads our goal is to drive high-quality traffic to your site, not just for the sake of building up numbers. Instead, we prefer to identify your target in a systematic way so visitors of your site will eventually convert.

Websites often make the mistake of using visitor numbers as a sign of success. Conversion is a more accurate gauge to truly measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

This is the reason marketers use the term funnel when describing the incoming flow of website traffic. You may have also seen the picture of a funnel with visitors coming in at one end and the conversion count on the other.

Although, you may have high-traffic flowing in, if none of your visitors are converting, it’s only a matter of time before your website and business model fails.

How to Create High-Quality Traffic for Conversion?

Developing the right type of traffic requires a deliberate and precise effort. The team at SEO Leads creates your entire marketing campaign around the priority of attracting visitors with the desire to convert.

This can be accomplished in a number of ways. But in most cases, it’s best to keep it simple. If the campaign was properly established from the beginning, you can assume your visitor is already interested in converting.

When traffic is attracted effectively, you can directly ask for their conversion. Simple calls to action such as “Sign Up,” “Download,” even a direct link to a sales page will be well received.

When we devise an SEO strategy, it is centered on key targets specific to your industry and further refined to your company in particular.

No matter how niche or unique your business model is, we can create a targeted approach designed to attract your perfect prospect. Once they are engaged, your system should move them through your funnel and guide them through to the other side as conversions.

The first step in creating a successful website that attracts converting clients is for us to understand your business and your overall goals.

Contact us today so we can discuss the best strategy for your particular website.

website conversion