Organic search rankings – Why do they fluctuate?
You’re always going to have a natural increase and decrease over the course of a month, and the results on your exact machine may be different from what others are seeing.
It’s generally best to stick to an SEO reporting tool for the most accurate view. As Christine said will start exporting that to a sheet and sending with your monthly report.
This applies to all websites, not just yours. The reason we look at analytics AND organic search rankings is that they are usually correlated but not always. For example a good percentage of the time our own website may drop in ranking for a few specific phrases, but our overall organic leads and traffic are increasing.
The bigger the site and more phrases its ranking for, the larger this fluctuation will be from month to month.
That being said if there are a few “vanity searches” as I call them, we can put more focus into them via on page changes/content, internal linking, and citations, for those exact phrases.
The way the search algorithm works these days is such that Google, YouTube, Tiktok want to prevent accounts or sites trying to game the system and getting ranked for specific phrases vs having well rounded user-stats and relevancy for an entire topic (which may include many variations of that keyword phrase). This applies to both traditional and social media search algorithms. We would be happy to discuss further on your next call with our team!