Local marketing can be challenging. Smaller companies may not have the money or resources that larger companies do. It is on the marketing team to collaborate and make sure they are doing everything in their power to help the local company succeed. Many times this includes using things like social media to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas that can bridge the gap between their competitors.
Increase Accessibility
Customers want to know about your company. They want to see the good and the bad side before they do business with your company. The key is giving them easier ways to see the reviews. Using social media to help advertise these reviews can help create better brand awareness. You are able to show positive and negative reviews. Also, consider mentioning how problems and concerns were handled. Ensure them that if issues arise that you will do everything you can to turn it into a positive situation.
Promote Content On Social Media
If used correctly, social media is one of the biggest platforms any business has. Companies throw a lot of money away by paying others to run expensive campaigns. Sometimes it is because they don’t hit their target audience. Everybody you know has a social media page. They check it every single day. Put your quality content out there to be shared. Your target audience will find it and start sharing it. The more eyes on it the better off you are. Your customers are doing some of the heavy lifting for you. Use them to your advantage.
Get Involved in Discussions
Your customers are going to tell you all you need to know about your business. They are going to let you know what is running well and what can use improvements. Make sure to involve yourself in these conversations. It can be time-consuming, but it is well worth it. This allows your audience to understand that you aren’t just a company. It is a company full of people that are interested in the customers they are serving. Make sure to be helpful and professional at all times regardless of what is being said. Don’t be defensive and angry.
How can SEOleads.io help?
We believe in accountability and trackable growth. We do not require long-term contracts and our holistic approach to each client’s campaign ensures that your online presence is always growing. Let SEOleads.io partner with you to help your local business thrive at an affordable cost. Get started by getting your website graded!