Business moves faster than ever and online business might be the quickest of them all. Many times companies don’t have time to implement strategies that will take a long time and risk putting their day to day business behind. There are a few improvements that small online businesses can make immediately and improve their local business.
Revisit Your Home Page
Wondering why you might not be getting the results you want can boil down to first impressions. If your home page looks cluttered or is loaded with broken links then nobody will want to use your services. Taking a look at your home page as if you were the user is a good way to assess where you stand. Ask what you notice first? How is the navigation? Is this page unique in any way? Taking the time to answer these questions can let your refocus and improve.
Have Your Site Graded
There are free websites out there that view and grade your website. They provide detailed, but easy to follow instructions on the positives and negatives of your site. It is always good to have a third party look at what you are doing. Sometimes people miss things that are right in front of them. This will allow your online business to see where it stacks up against the competition. Meta descriptions, social media and image tags are among the issues it checks for. Small changes like these can push your business in the right direction.
Ditch the Distractions
Distractions are all around us. In business people can fall into the trap of mixing business with pleasure. When you are designating time for work make sure it is used for work related activities. The best advice is to shut off all email, cell phone, and social media interactions until after the day is done. Yes, the business has its own social media, but be sure you aren’t mixing in your personal page at that same time. You answer a personal text or email here and there and before you know it an hour of your time is gone. That can be the difference in a successful online business and one that gets lost in the shuffle.
How can help?
We believe in accountability and trackable growth. We do not require long-term contracts and our holistic approach to each client’s campaign ensures that your online presence is always growing. Let partner with you to help your small online business thrive at an affordable cost. Get started by getting your website graded!