What Is Conversion In Marketing?
Conversion in business often translates into some sort of success in a business transaction. Sometimes that means transitioning into different role in a company or executing a big sale. In the land of marketing, it often means taking a customer that may have interest in your product and feeding them through the steps so that they ultimately purchase the product.
Conversion Means Taking Action
Although purchasing the product is the ultimate goal, there are many different layers to a closing. Often this focuses on getting the customer to take action. This could be a simple action like forming a Drip Campaign or using PPC Marketing. Getting a response from the customer by using these tools is a part of the process. They can also come in many forms. It could be something quick in an email that directs the customer directly to the potential item that is in question. It can also come in a more drawn out series of emails or correspondence that gives the customers more information to land a much more involved conversion. It doesn’t really matter what type of the strategy that is being used. The main focus is that you start the conversion process. Then either the sales representative or the potential client follows up.
Quality Leads
Many businesses evaluate their sales representatives by their conversion rates. This rate is measured by taking the number of customers that actually made a purchase and dividing them by the total number of customers that were inquired through chat, email, targeting or any other strategy being used to execute the conversion. This has the potential to turn into the best tools marketers could have. It could boost their future conversion rate and also mean more business in the future. No matter how well someone is converting, they could always be doing better. These conversions should be treated like gold. Anybody who has worked in sales know how hard it is to find quality leads that can lead to potential conversions.
Conversion shouldn’t always be the end game. In other words, don’t try to make a one-time sale. These should be treated as a potential lead for other future business. It’s important not to load them down with information. That being said, sales representatives need to keep the customer involved as much as possible. Tapping into existing conversion can allow other leads to form from their friends, family, or colleagues. The relationship between lead and conversion go hand in hand and that’s why they should be valued.
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